Sunday, 30 August 2015

Angels are watching over you....

Angels are watching out for you but are you watching out for them?

Are you watching out for Angels like they watch out for you?

Angels are always watching out for us, even when the world seems so very dark outside and we feel isolated and alone.

Most of us are aware of Angelic Signs, such a beautiful downy like feathers dropping at our feet if we need some extra reassurance, or even coins manifesting right in front of us on the pavement. Angels seem to be everywhere.  Look up into the sky and you may be lucky enough to see Angels up there painted in the clouds, like me on more than one occasion.  Rest assured its not your imagination, you are not going barking, they are showing themselves to you in a way you can understand and appreciate at the time.

I met my own Guardian Angel, Joseph, in a guided meditation, a process I heartily recommend if you are looking for a closer connection to the Angelic Realms.  So now meditation is an important part of my own connection with them.  I watch out for them as much as I know they are watching out for me. My meditation practice together with Angelic Reiki have shown me one thing, 'we are all loved' in a way that the external signs couldn't do.  I personally feel a sense of being wrapped in angelic wings which gives me the reassurance I need sometimes: very special.

If you would like to awaken to the Angels, why not come along to 'Awakening to the Angels'? This is a joint venture with fellow Angelic Master Practitioner, Liz Mouratzing. You will be given the opportunity to deepen your connection to the Angels with meditation and guided visualisation.  It's going to be a good day, because believe it or not the Angels are also a fun loving bunch as well.

Awakening to the Angels

Liz Mouratzing and Gillian Holland

Boxmoor Hall

Hemel Hempstead

Saturday 26th. September  10.00 - 4p.m.


 Contact Liz 07921 540327 or 01442 834839
or Gillian  Tel: 01442 246407 or 07929 474 349

Saturday, 29 August 2015

The Angels say.....all there is is love

Awakening to the Angels

Love is all there is!

Believe it or not, 'Love is all there is!'  The heart of the matter is everything in the Universe is connected on a particular vibration; unconditional love. And the Angels are here to point the way!  Did you know that every blade of grass, indeed everything that exists here on earth has its own Guardian Angel to watch over it and help it grow?  What's more, we are no exception!   

Down through the centuries, we were told that only very special people could connect to the Angelic realm, but now we know different, for we are all special and unique in our own way.

Unfortunately, most of us are hot on self-criticism and judgement and stone-cold when it comes to self-confidence.  Some-where in the long, long history of the Earth, because of all this mis-information,we have forgotten who we really are but the Angels are here to help us remember NOW!

Yes! The Angels and Archangels and all the Ascended Masters have always been there, but we just hadn't been paying them much attention.  Our guardian angels are working very hard to help us open to their magic! Life truly is for living, but how we do that when most of the time, we have a real down on ourselves?

How about celebrating rather than knocking yourself,
  with a little bit of help from the Angels for a change!

If you are in the process of Awakening to the Angels
 or just beginning your journey,
then our workshop could well be the thing for you!

Would you like a closer connection to your Guardian Angel?

Are you, like most of us the world's worst at self-criticism?

How about celebrating rather than knocking yourself
 with the Angels help for a change!
It really is time to turn down the switch marked self-criticism and turn up the light switch marked 'love.'

Angelic Reiki Masters Gillian Holland and Liz Carabine are here to help you to 'Awaken to the Angels' Working together for the very first time they combine their expertise to bring you a day spent in loving companionship with the Angels. Where you will be given the opportunity to enhance your connection to the Angels and celebrate who you really are?
Why not join us

Saturday 26th. September 2015
10.00 - 4p.m.
Boxmoor Hall
Hemel Hempstead


Contact Liz 07921 540327 or 01442 834839
or Gillian  Tel: 01442 246407 or 07929 474 349

  • Celebrate your connection with the Angels
  • Connection to your Guardian Angel
  • Heart Opening meditation in safe environment

Friday, 21 August 2015

A reading can really make a huge difference

A reading can make a huge difference

What are your thoughts about death and dying?
A message from your loved one in message can literally LIGHT UP YOUR LIFE
transforming the way you see things.

Do we really die?

As a medium, part of my job is to offer you another way of looking at life....and death. And it's a vision that can literally 'LIGHT UP YOUR LIFE.' transforming the way you see things.

Life and death are opposite sides to the same coin.
I believe we never die just move to another level of awareness.
So as one door closes we literally just move into a different room
 where we continue on we our lives

 The next world operates very differently from our own physical one, which means we can't see it or even feel it, but we can develop a set of skills which everyone has which help us make that connection. I believe we all have the capability to do this, but at the moment its people like me who are able to communicate with the Spirit world to help other people.

The Spirit world communicates on a love vibration, and it is learning to connect to this vibration that makes all the difference. One of the first things they want us to know is just how much we are loved, and then want to make sure we are all okay and getting on with our lives.  They also want us to know that they too are fine.  I believe messages from loved ones do literally 'LIGHT UP YOUR LIFE' and give us permission to live life fully once more knowing we are supported from the other side of life but the family and friend who have already one across to the other side.

Contact Gillian for your reading